
Hi! I'm Eklak Dangaura

An experienced FullStack Engineer with 5+ years of professional experience in Mobile as well as Web development.
Demonstrated knowledge about various domains including Education, Health and Service.
Experienced in overall lifecyle of the software development. Experienced in US Health Care using HL7, FHIR APIs
Technology: Java, NodeJS, TypeScript, JavaScript, NestJS, PostgreSQL

Contact me here!

Email: [email protected]

What I do

My services

Mobile App Development

XML based UIs

MVP, MVVM patterns

Online/Offline Data Synchronization

Web Development

Backend Development: Java (Spring, Micronaut), NodeJS, NestJS

Frontend Development: Javascript/Typescript, Angular, React

Cloud: AWS(EC2, Lambda, S3, Arora, CloudWatch, SES, SQS, Amplify), Azure, Docker

Database: PostgreSQL

Leadership and Agile

Agile methodology for Project Management (Scrum)

Leading small and medium sized proejcts